Being a Jewelry Angel

Jewelry Angels is an all-volunteer undertaking.  Beyond this website and our Facebook page, there is very little formal administration. We simply help jewelry makers connect with low-income senior housing providers or other appropriate recipients.

Gifts may be made and delivered for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Easter, Valentine’s Day, July 4th or any other occasion. Birthday presents are also a hit. Or there may be no occasion at all.  From our experience, recipients of Jewelry Angels' donations are happy to get them any time of the year.


Q. What happens after I sign up??

A. A volunteer will send you a welcome kit and help you to connect with recipients your choose. For example, if you want to donate to residents of a low-income senior facility, you'll receive a list of facilities in your community. We contact facilities to let them know what we do and ask if they want to participate.  When a Jewelry Angel signs up, we share their name with the facility administrators so they expect to be contacted.  Then, when a Jewelry Angel is ready, they can send an email or call the facility to make arrangements for delivering the gifts.  Simple as that.

Q. What kind of pieces should I make?

A.  Anything that's suitable for your recipients. Some of the deepest gratitude has come from people with disabilities ranging from arthritis to partial blindness. They really appreciate receiving pieces they can put on and take off easily. Examples:

We've also found that some low-income recipients "re-gift" items to their children and grandchildren, so nothing is likely to go to waste.

Q. Can I make items other than jewelry?

A. Yes! Here are some possibilities. If you have other ideas, please let us know and we'll post them here for other Angels to see.

If you have other ideas, please let us know and we'll post them here for other Angels to see.

Q. How many pieces should I make?

A. As many as you'd like! If you want to give away a lot of pieces, you could donate to more than one place. Generally, if you choose to work with a residential facility or organization for a little while, you will learn what the people there appreciate and can use.

Q.  How often should I donate?

A.  As often as you want.  If you want to be a one-time donor, that’s great.  If you want to donate to one facility or organization at regular or semi-regular intervals, that’s great too.  There are no rules or expectations. 

Q.  Are there any group events?

A.  Beading parties can be a lot of fun! You could host a party or team up with another person, club, support group or facility to host a party. You might provide everything needed to make some simple items or collect donations from participants. 

Q. Is Jewelry Angels religiously affiliated?

A. No. The Angels here are good people being generous to help others. Religiously oriented items such as rosaries may be terrific gifts if you connect with recipients of that faith.

Q. What is your privacy policy?

A. Unless you specifically agree otherwise, none of the information you provide will be made available to anyone for any purpose. Information submitted on the sign-up form is stored off-line so hackers can't get to it.

Q. Does anyone make money from Jewelry Angels?

A. Jewelry Angels is an all-volunteer, charitable endeavor. Our purpose is to spread joy, not make money. There are no fees for participating or any other charges.
